The 21 California missions were
the first permanent European settlements to be founded on the West coast,
beginning in 1769. Though they largely
fell into disrepair shortly before the region became a state, they have since
been revived and rebuilt as fascinating historic landmarks.
On Jan. 12, 1777, Father de la
Peña said the first Mass at the new Mission Santa Clara de Asís (though at this
point the mission consisted only of a cross and a makeshift altar under a tree). A few days later, Father Murguía arrived from
Monterey with the supplies and religious articles. Mission Santa Clara was the the eighth
mission to be founded in California. The
mission was named for Saint Claire of Assisi, a 13th century Italian nun,
cofoundress with Saint Francis of the Order of Poor Clares. It is located in Santa Clara, on what is now
the campus of Santa Clara University.
By the end of that year, the
padres and their assistants had completed the church and the priests’
residence; another house was under construction. All the buildings were of
upright logs with dirt roofs. This
promising beginning, however, was wiped out in a year later when the Guadalupe
River overflowed its banks. Although they valued the river as a water source,
Peña and Murguía realized that the flood danger made the mission’s location
inadvisable. Salvaging everything they could, they moved to an interim site on
higher ground to the south. Here they began again, setting up new log buildings
and digging new irrigation ditches. Father Serra blessed the second, temporary,
church on Nov. 11, 1779.
By 1781 they had found a
permanent location for the mission: far enough away from the river to be safe
from floods, but close enough to allow an irrigation canal to bring water to
the fields. On Nov. 19, 1781, in an elaborate ritual, Father Serra blessed and
laid a cornerstone for the third Mission Church. In a cavity in the cornerstone
were placed a crucifix, religious images, and Spanish coins to signify the
Church treasury. (The cornerstone was later accidentally found by a workman
digging for a gas main along Franklin Street in 1911. The cornerstone and its
contents are on display in the Mission Room of the University’s museum.) The was completed 2 1/2 years later, in May
1784. Unlike the two previous temporary churches, which were built of wood, the
permanent church was an imposing adobe structure 100 feet long, 22 feet wide
and 20 feet high. The four foot thick adobe walls were whitewashed inside and
out and decorated with a painted border on the interior. Unfortunately, Father
Murguía, who had designed the church, died four days before the dedication
ceremony, which was held May 15, 1784. Father de la Peña reported that
"the celebration was carried on amid the ringing of bells, salutes from
the muskets of the soldiers and with the fireworks on the Mission." The
following day, Sunday, May 16, Father Serra celebrated the first Mass in the
new church.
In 1818, the Mission Church
suffered severe damage in an earthquake.
Construction of a new permanent mission compound at this final site
began in 1822. The church, residences, workshops, and storerooms were laid out
in a large quadrangle. (The only remaining structures from this period are now
known as the Adobe Lodge, which houses the University’s Faculty Club, and the
Adobe Wall. They formed the southwest corner of the square.) The new church was
dedicated Aug. 11, 1825. This building, with various modifications, stood until
Mission Santa Clara was
secularized Dec. 27, 1836. It operated as
a parish during the 1830s and 1840s. In
December of 1850, however, the new bishop of California, donated the buildings
and land in order for the Santa Clara College to be founded.
Over the next 70 years, the old
buildings underwent successive renovations.
The final "remodeling" of the Mission Church occurred on Oct.
24, 1926, when faulty wiring set off a fire in the church’s north bell tower. A
priest saying morning Mass gave the alarm, and students and faculty tried
valiantly to save the historic old building. The church, sadly, was totally
destroyed, although students did manage to rescue many statues and paintings,
including one of the Holy Family that has hung in the Mission since 1889, other
liturgical objects, and one of the mission bells, which rang the De Profundis
for the dead that night, as it had for a hundred years.
Encouraged by a flood of sympathy
and donations, the University administration began reconstruction of the
destroyed church almost immediately. Rather than a duplication of the church
that had burned, the restoration attempted to recapture the appearance of the
1825 church before its many remodelings. The church was again made wider than
the original because it had to serve as the University chapel. The façade,
however, returned to its original one-tower design, although it was eventually
embellished with carved wooden statues of the saints instead of painted
decorations. The decorations of the interior also followed the original lines,
except that the patterns on the walls were painted in pastel pink and blue
instead of the original brilliant red and yellow. Careful copies were made of
the destroyed Mexican reredos and Dávila’s painted ceiling. The current Schantz
pipe organ was installed in 1975 and was a gift of Mr & Mrs. Foster McGraw
(the original mission would not have contained any instruments, the Gregorian
Chants sung there would have been without instrumentation). It contains an original bell, as well as a
replica of a bell given to the Mission by King Carlos IV. The bells of Santa Clara have rung faithfully
each evening since 1798 by request of King Carlos IV.
Learn more about the missions and other great places to
visit along the coast in “Along the King’s Road: A Guide to Touring the
California Missions.” Get your copy!
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