One woman. One horse. 48 states for Domestic Violence Awareness

Check back often for the latest updates and stories from Meredith and Apollo as they journey 10,000 miles on a four year ride around the USA.

Adios, New Mexico

How can I not love a state with an official cookie (Biscochitos)?

Even without the cookie, New Mexico is my favorite state so far.  It has beautiful desert landscapes,

Great food (red or green sauce? choose both and enjoy Christmas any time of the year!)

Beautiful mountains

Great food (chilis on and/or in everything, no "mild" spicy food here!)

and lovely old towns.

The history, too, is fascinating.  There are ancient pueblos to walk through,

and historic trails to follow - I rode parts of the Santa Fe Trail (pictured), El Camino Real, and the Spanish Trail

Even the cookie cutter homes in subdevelopments are often charming here!

Santa Fe was my favorite town, where the old plaza comes alive with traditional music.

Apollo is in fine form, and feeling spunky as the weather cools down.

There were lots of nice roads and trails,

and a bit of cross country navigating (thanks Google Maps - you only sometimes steer me wrong!)

As the weeks wore on, I had some rainy day weather delays

Hermes was an excellent role model for how to spend those chilly days off!

Finally, after crossing one last canyon in the mountain foothills,

We made it to the eastern plains... and the end of all of the most mountainous terrain we will face throughout this ride!

1 comment:

  1. Domestic violence is turning to be an active part in all the societies. Creating an awareness of this violence is necessary. It is a good post bringing awareness among the people in the family.


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