Are you planning on taking your own horseback adventure? A good journal or log book is an essential tool when traveling with a horse. It allows you to look back and accurately track mileage, problems, and other daily data. After spending days in the saddle, it can all blur together in your mind. But when you lose track in your brain of how many days and miles its been, when your horse gets sore and you need to figure out what started it, or it feels like you’ve been riding in the rain forever, being able to see on paper what happened and when can be a big help.
This “Horse Travel Logbook” was designed for my own travels, based upon the data that I’ve found useful to keep for two years of traveling so far. It is a smaller size than comparable journals designed for horse travelers, which means less weight for your horse to carry and less space needed in your packs. It has enough pages for 100 days of travel data (since you probably won’t need to keep records on days off, that’s four or five months worth).
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