One woman. One horse. 48 states for Domestic Violence Awareness

Check back often for the latest updates and stories from Meredith and Apollo as they journey 10,000 miles on a four year ride around the USA.

Five Years Free

This weekend marked my 5th “Freedom Anniversary,” the date when I escaped from my abusive marriage (although it would be another year and a half before I was legally free).  This date is more important for me as far as annual celebratory events go than even my birthday… after all, I had very little say in the date of my birth!

The last five years have certainly seen some big changes in my life. Apart from becoming happily divorced, of course, it’s been a half-decade of healing, discovery, and growth.  I feel like I lost my 20’s, having only broken free of that 12 year relationship when I hit 30.  All the things I dreamed of doing upon college graduation and beyond, were – for a decade - ruined by my evil ex.

But this is not a pity party! Quite the opposite.  Although I had dreamed of becoming a veterinarian, my current life-project of riding to all 48 states is definitely far more interesting than a career in vet medicine would likely have been.  I had dreamed of traveling, of finally having a horse of my own, of too many smaller adventures to list here.  And although I did not realize these dreams in my 20’s, I have been able to work towards achieving them in the last five years.

So where am I going from here?  Of course the next two years will be devoted to my ‘Ride.

And beyond that?  I honestly couldn’t even guess.  But I can dream.  Of happiness, love, and adventure.  Of an interesting and fulfilling career. Of indulging in my insatiable wanderlust. Of embracing whatever good things life throws my way.

Of living like my life depends on it.

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