One woman. One horse. 48 states for Domestic Violence Awareness

Check back often for the latest updates and stories from Meredith and Apollo as they journey 10,000 miles on a four year ride around the USA.

A Happy New Year!

2018... It’s hard to believe its here! Last year was a big one for me (and for my four legged friends).  A year ago today I was finishing up my first week of the Centauride.  At that time, I couldn’t imagine how far I’d go or what all I’d see and do, who all I’d meet, or any of the adventures I’d have during the rest of the year.  Looking ahead for the new year, I’m sure I’ll have unexpected experiences and make all sorts of new friends.  

This year I’m not making resolutions in the normal sense of the word - I’m not resolving to lose weight or go to the gym more, eat better or make more money.  Instead, I am resolved to see every day as a new adventure.  As the great Biblo Baggins once said, “adventures are not all pony rides in May sunshine” - but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the rainy weather too as another kind of adventure.

I also am resolved this year to start my mornings right.  I’m not a morning person, so there is no way I am going to set my alarm earlier than necessary for that day’s plans.  But I can start each day with purpose, intention, and a positive attitude.  This week I’ve resumed the “Miracle Morning” regimine (if you’ve not heard of it, look it up and give it a try, it’s game changing).  The abbreviated 6 minute version works well for me, and I only have to set my alarm 6 minutes earlier! That’s a resolution I can handle.

On a practical note, I am resolved to improve my long riding technique.  I will pack less (lots less). I will be reassessing everything I use to make sure it is maximally comfortable for both Apollo and myself.  I will do better with scheduling ahead for places to stay, giving interviews, etc.  I will be more organized.

Finally, I am resolved to improve myself and have fun while doing it by learning something new every week.  I don’t mean facts and figures, because I pretty much already was doing that.  Each week I will pick a new skill, hobby, activity, language, or other activity to try out.  That’s 52 new things to learn! Of course a week isn’t much time to actually acquire a new skill or talent, but it is sufficient for getting a taste, seeing if its something I’d like to learn more about later, and maybe even learning enough of the basics to use further down the road.  Many of the things on my list I can even learn while on the road: how to tie more knots, for example.

So here’s to a new year.  I hope your 2018 is as great as I intend for mine to be!  


  1. Happy New Year to you & Apollo! May it find you enjoying many more miles of the beauty of this country!

  2. Let us know when you learn how to knit WHILE riding! :D


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