One woman. One horse. 48 states for Domestic Violence Awareness

Check back often for the latest updates and stories from Meredith and Apollo as they journey 10,000 miles on a four year ride around the USA.

Thanks, Utah

Utah is a really cool state to explore.  I did very little exploring with Apollo, though, because for him Utah was for convalescing.

We entered the state via truck and trailer, straight from the vet clinic in Wyoming.  Poor guy, I couldn't bring myself to make him pose for the official photo, so he got his half taken through the trailer siding.

The vet had sent us off with a week's worth of additional shots for his respiratory infection, which I got very good at giving to him.  Getting stabbed with a needle twice a day does not make for a happy horse, but he did feel all better by the end of the week.

To make sure that he was truly feeling in top form again, and that he was no longer contagious to whatever horses he would live to next, he got to stay in his own isolated pasture for an additional few weeks.

Meanwhile, I saw a few fun things in Utah.

Vernal, where we were staying, is near Dinosaur National Monument, and is home to the best dinosaur museum I've ever been in.

It's also home to one of the best breweries I've ever tasted, Vernal Brewing Co.

Apollo's time off gave me the opportunity to get started on writing my memoir...

...And for a quick trip home (here I am on one of the several Greyhound buses it took to get there)!


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