One woman. One horse. 48 states for Domestic Violence Awareness

Check back often for the latest updates and stories from Meredith and Apollo as they journey 10,000 miles on a four year ride around the USA.

You're Invited!

The Centauride begins on January 1!

Come out to the Penn Valley Rodeo Grounds (see map below) on New Year's Day from noon to 1pm to help celebrate the start of my ride, and send Apollo and I off in style.

In addition to the two of us, the event will also feature guests Stephanie from the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalition (DVSAC) and Joanna of Good Women International, who will each be speaking about the important issues of domestic violence and human trafficking.

Can't make it? Follow along online by signing up for the newsletter at the left side of this screen, and also following us on Facebook, here.

To get to the rodeo grounds, turn in the driveway of the Fire Protection District and look for the signs for "Rodeo" on the back-right side of the parking lot:



  1. Good Women International is most happy to be present for the launch of this relevant and critical societal issue. Brava to Meredith for taking this on. We support you 100%!


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