One woman. One horse. 48 states for Domestic Violence Awareness

Check back often for the latest updates and stories from Meredith and Apollo as they journey 10,000 miles on a four year ride around the USA.

Another month of fun and learning

Yep, I’m still doing it.  My new year’s resolution to learn 52 hands-on things this year is going strong.  Here’s how my February shaped up.

Week 5 - There was a hip hop dance class at Rhythms Fitness Studio.  Fun, interesting, and way harder than I expected.  Mostly because I stink at remembering choreography.  Life as a professional dancer is not in my future.

Week 6 - I bought a calligraphy pen (not the fancy kind that you dip. The easier felt-pen style), checked out a book from the library, and started playing with lettering.  Also a lot harder than I expected! But it turned out pretty good, don’t you think?

Week 7 - I took another class, this time for Reiki.  For those of you who haven’t heard of it or tried it, it’s an alternative healing technique based on energy work (similar to chakras, chi, etc).  The event I attended was an introduction, not a true class or course.  In it, I was able to experience reiki both as receiver and giver.  It was a wonderful, inspiring, and insightful experience, to say the least.

Week 8 - This one was actually all month: learning another language! This time, German (or as I should say, diesmal deutsche). I reached what the Duolingo app says is 45%.  I’m not sure I could actually carry a conversation beyond four word sentences, but that’s a heckuva lot better than only knowing how to say ja, nein and danke (the extent of my German fluency level before this month!).


  1. 11 Jahren in Deutschland und ich kann immer noch nicht richtig akkusativ und nominative nutzen. *seufz*

    1. That’s inspiring, good for you! I know enough now to get the gist of your comment, but not enough to feel confident in replying in german. Listening and reading it is definitely easier than speaking! I’m sure only one month is a drop in the bucket for learning it, and certainly your immersion of living there must be beneficial!

  2. Good for you expanding your brain power! I need to follow your example.

  3. my father have lots and lots of collectible coins that are very precious and rare., slotxo


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