“The Hallmark holiday”
It’s called with a scoff.
But what’s wrong with a day for love?
We all want a little more.
We can never have too much.
A single red rose.
Two glasses of wine.
A day for lovers
For Vagina Monologues
And for One Billion to rise.
Then comes the morning after:
Chocolate on sale
Rose wilting in a vase.
Violence again women forgotten.
Love deprioritized once more.
For busy lives, humdrum and hectic
Worker bees in honeycombed cubicles
Road rage and parking lot battles.
Why are there so many people in line?!
Outside, the birds still sing.
Daffodils are pushing up new earth.
A breath of spring brings whispy clouds.
Mother Nature remembers that love
Is not just for one day.
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