One woman. One horse. 48 states for Domestic Violence Awareness

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Yoga for Horses - Leg Circles

Do you like to practice yoga? Have you tried it with your horse?

There are many benefits to yoga, and they apply to horses as well as to people.  Stretching a horse is a lot like partner yoga.  Give it a try and see how your horse feels!

This is a simple stretch to help your horse's shoulder and chest.  It is easy to do, but if your horse likes to anticipate what you want, it is also a good mental exercise for your horse as they learn to allow their leg to be moved and not try to help!  This stretch took the longest for Apollo to learn because he wanted to shake his leg for me (thanks for trying, Apollo, but not helpful!)

How to do leg circles

Holding the front leg in an inverted L shape as shown above, gently circle the leg up, towards the center, down, then towards the outside.  Repeat for a few circles, then on the other leg.

The size of the circle will depend on your horse's flexibility and also how much he allows you to move him.  It should never make him uncomfortable or feel forced.

This can be done in combination with the Front Leg Stretch and the Leg Cross.

If you are able, work with a trained equine body worker (such as a chiropractor, masseuse, etc) familiar with horse yoga to make sure you are doing this safely and effectively.  There are also many videos online to walk you through the process. 


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