Your goals are the
road maps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life.
--Les Brown
And so the planning continues…
I had been debating about whether to plan the route along
roads or trails, roads being easier to meet people and talk about my mission
and also easier to resupply, while trails being easier to ride along. I have settled on taking the more challenging
ride with traffic, but without the need to carry so many supplies since I’ll be
able to find stores every few days as I pass through towns. This has also eliminated the need to consider
buying and training a pack animal.
I have decided on for my maps, though I will
also be getting paper maps from AAA. I
had used Ride With GPS for my book “Along the King’s Road,” and while they are
designed to be for road cyclists, it’s also suitable for my longride planning
since I will be taking roads and bike paths.
Their maps are built off of Google’s maps, but with features that Google
doesn’t offer. The Google platform makes
it extra nice for me, because I can use streetview every few miles to make sure
that the road will not be too busy, too narrow, or otherwise too unsafe for
horse travel.
I had spent the last month on building my maps, and had
gotten as far as state#25 out of 48 when I realized that I’d been going about
it all wrong. I had done the states in the wrong order - this had caused me to
have nearly half a year extra ride time over the total distance! While it would
have worked in that order, there is no need for me to take extra-long at this
ride, which I already estimate will take at least two years, and more likely
three. Maybe more depending on how long
the winters are and where I end up stopping over for the cold season.
So now it’s back to the drawing board, quite literally! This
time, though, I have my whole route pre-planned so I know which order to go in,
and I don’t think I’ll have to start over a third time!
The route planning is slow, because I need to make sure that
the route is going to be as safe as possible.
I also have to make sure that I know where there will be towns,
especially towns with feed stores for Apollo (all towns have people food, but
not all towns have horse food!), campgrounds, and other such amenities. And of course domestic violence shelters and
centers. Of course, this route will not
be exactly the one that I follow.
Theoretically there will be helpful strangers along the way who will
provide a yard to use for the night, and other assistance that will cause some
deviations from the plan. But it should
be pretty darn close.
For some parts of the route, these are in abundance, and in
others (even populated areas!) there is a shortage or complete deficit of some
or all of these. Campgrounds, as I
already found when planning the mission bike route, are few and far
between. Feed stores, interestingly
enough, are not always available in rural centers (where do those farmers buy
supplies? Even when I lived in the
boonies, there were three feed stores closer than a grocery store). DV resources seem to be more plentiful in
some states than in others, with no correlation to population (for example,
very few in northern California, and very many in Minnesota).
With luck and hard work, I should have this all mapped out
in a month or two, and then once I know the more precise distance of the full
route and all of its segments, I will be
able to better plan everything else. At this point, I am tentatively hoping and
planning to begin the ride on New Years Day 2015, with an early plan of
Thanksgiving of this year, and a late plan of St Patricks Day of next year
(yes, this is also symbolic – it’s when we celebrate St Patrick driving the
snakes out of his country). There is a chance it might be as late as next Independence Day... But gosh darn it, no later!
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